Wednesday,22nd March, Vedic Kundli Forecasts (Rashi Phal) 2017

  • ARIES:-
Today you will develop better relationships with colleagues and clients. So it is a good day to explore something new which requires influential prowess. However, those who are in ill health may resume work from home. This will improve your quality of work unexpectedly. You are cutting down on timings you waste in commuting.
  • TAURUS:-
People engaged in teaching, writing, journalism and literature are going to enjoy huge success in their career today and you may be honored for your achievements. The day is also suitable for investment in educational institutions and in the construction business. In general, you are going to enjoy a quiet day at work a relief from the rush of the past few days.
  • GEMINI:-
The day indicates great success, especially for those who are connected to education or writing in any way. Students, researchers, journalists, authors and other professionals connected to education are likely to enjoy a very good day. The day is also suitable for investing in long-term plans. You are going to sit back, relax and reap the benefits of the efforts that you have put in towards your professional life.
  • CANCER:-
You are likely to inherit money today, most probably from an unlikely source. Speculative ventures, investments in stocks and short-term investment in the market are likely to meet with success. Your financial luck is running high. Just rein in your impulse for extravagance and you will enjoy financial security now. You are also likely to make a considerable donation to charities.
  • LEO:-
Your career planning is going haywire. You are not able to fix up your mind on one thing. You are also wasting a lot of time thinking. You may seek advice from any experienced professional or a career advisor. A career advisor will guide you and you may settle down gradually. Today you may make up your mind regarding career.
  • VIRGO:-
You have been working hard recently and you will now receive a token of appreciation from the universe. You may get a bonus or a long awaited paycheck. You may even be offered a good financial opportunity which you had not expected. While it is not something huge, it will fill you with a nice feeling of satisfaction.
  • LIBRA:-
You didn't create a problem but today you find yourself surrounded by a lot of them. You may lose your temper. It is advisable that you maintain your calm and tackle the problems one after the other. You may have to stay back at work for a longer duration. Cancel all the commitments which might require you by evening. Concentrate on troubleshooting.
Today may not a very good day for people appearing in any exam. However, if you must appear today, do not let negative thoughts cloud your spirit. Go ahead, your strength and positivity may ward off any negative waves from your sun sign. Be careful while lending money today as someone may cheat you. Refrain from lending huge sum.
If you are unemployed, an opportunity may knock your door. Grab it with both the hands. You have nothing to lose. Do not get carried away by people who offer free advice. Show your sincerity and dedication once you get the job. You may receive an opportunity from a new area. Consider searching jobs from various fields.
Great opportunities are likely to open up on the career front today. You can get a really fantastic job offer or that promotion for which you were eagerly waiting, finally, comes through. Help may arrive from a completely unexpected quarter which is likely to overwhelm you. You may also receive help from someone whom you had helped in the past.
This is the time when your persistence and hard work will pay off. You will be noticed by your superiors and will be offered better scope. This is less due to luck and much more due to your own sincerity. Your career is poised to take off right now. Be sure to utilize this opportunity to its fullest extent.
  • PISCES:-
You are about to get severely affected by work-related stress. The internal pressure may mount up within your head and you will run out of time required to fulfill the goals. However, you cannot do anything to help this. So just try to let it pass by smoothly. Try to lend your ears to someone you do not find amiable at all but you have to do this due to professional reasons.

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