Mercury is now back in your career and reputation sector, dear Aries, and will transit here until February 7th. This influence brings much interest and thought to career and business matters, and your career may very well demand more of your communication skills. If you had lost some motivation or enthusiasm for work projects, or if you encountered delays to your progress, you're beginning to refuel and rev up. You can make up for lost time now - you're coming back stronger. You communicate with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what (and how) you communicate. You may do some multi-tasking with career and business matters. Negative use of this influence would be to worry unnecessarily about your reputation and responsibilities. Today is excellent for getting things done.
Mercury returns to its journey through your adventure sector, dear Taurus, until February 7th. This cycle brings a focus on broad visions and goals, and now you're a little wiser after Mercury's recent retrograde. You need a change of pace when it comes to your mental journeys. You may meet a friend or love interest through your explorations, travels, or studies. You are putting everything into perspective rather than compartmentalizing. Instead of idle chatting, you are more inclined to discuss broader philosophies now. Travel, educational, publishing, or legal matters are favored and can move forward if you've encountered delays in these areas.While your spirit for the new, different, and exotic runs high, with the Moon moving through your sector of inner resources all day, the homebody in you is brought to the fore.
Mercury is now back in your solar eighth house (until February 7th), dear Gemini, increasing your interest in research, mysteries, and in-depth studies. You tend to plan ahead and employ strategy during this cycle - you're less likely to speak before thinking. If there were unfinished conversations or delayed initiatives in recent weeks, they're likely to complete or unlock now and in the coming weeks. Taboo or sensitive topics can be approached with reason and an investigative mind during this period, and you might thoroughly enjoy the analysis involved. This is a great time to talk rationally, fairly, and calmly about sex, money, and politics! Power dynamics in close relationships can be addressed now. You can solve mysteries and difficult problems.
Mercury has moved back into your opposite sign after retreating into your solar sixth house, dear Cancer. This transit that lasts until February 7th can prompt you to seek out people who stimulate your thought processes and who provide feedback on your ideas. Conversations that got nowhere in recent weeks may now resolve to each person's satisfaction. Intellectual companionship is emphasized. While it's a potentially strong period for really getting to know a significant person in your life, you might often feel that other people are directing your life! You may require some coaxing to get to decisions and conclusions, and you might frequently need to take your cue from others.
- LEO:-
Mercury returns to your work and health sector today, dear Leo, after a brief retreat while retrograde, dear Leo. Stalled health or work endeavors or loss of motivation for these things experienced in recent weeks are likely to correct themselves in the coming days and weeks. Your motivation to learn new things and work hard returns. This transit lasts until February 7th and is very supportive of getting the details of your daily life into better shape. This can be a great time for scheduling check-ups and be looking into health improvement techniques. Menial tasks become prominent. Take any opportunity to read, write, and discuss your work and habits, and also to work on developing or brushing up on core competencies.
Mercury has returned to your solar fifth house until February 7th, dear Virgo, and you can be more creative and playful with your communications. You might also attract intellectual or talkative types of people on a romantic level during this cycle. Activities through which you can have fun, create and share are in strong focus. You may gain more clarity about a love matter or a creative project, particularly if there were delays during Mercury's recent retrograde cycle. You are regaining motivation to push forward with your endeavors. With Mercury's transit, you're more inclined to play games, take some risks with your communications, joke around, think about or analyze your love life, and express your affections verbally.
Mercury has returned to its journey through your sector of family and home life, dear Libra, and this cycle that lasts until February 7th can open up active, supportive communications with family. It can also stimulate an increased exchange of ideas and information with loved ones. Adaptability when it comes to living arrangements or domestic matters may be necessary now. Home or family-related activities that were stalled might resume now and in the weeks ahead. You're giving a lot of thought to family, domestic life, your support system, your roots, and the past. Activity increases in your home for many of you, and this can include work and learning/studying.
Your desire for security is a powerful motivating factor these days, dear Scorpio. This is an excellent day for finding ways to satisfy your need for security as well as your desire for a change of pace. You are in a unique position to make smart decisions about business matters, and you have a good instinct for current trends. Mercury has returned to your communications sector where it will transit until February 7th, and delayed projects tend to release. As well, a motivation for your projects that's waned now picks up. The weeks ahead are excellent for studying, test taking, connecting, and commuting.
With Mercury now moving through your finances sector until February 7th, dear Sagittarius, you are more practical and rational in your approach to spending, saving, and making money. Business or money matters that stalled or dropped off the radar in recent weeks while Mercury was retrograde may now resume or you gain clarity on these things. Financial gain may come through communications during this cycle. This can be a great time for gathering and fine-tuning money-making ideas. When Mercury is challenged, however, try to avoid fretting over finances and valuables. This can be a time for sticking with the status quo, cultivating patience, and working on building your resources. It's also one of the best Mercury cycles for building and growing your natural talents.
Mercury is back in your sign, dear Capricorn, and will continue to move through Capricorn until February 7th. During this cycle, you are more inclined to speak up about matters that you previously kept to yourself, and others hear you loud and clear. Using the power of words to attract what you want or to further your interests works well for you now. Recent delays or limitations lift, and you feel more confident about moving your personal plans forward. This is also a good time for attracting work and attention for your ideas. You have a stronger desire to express yourself by speaking your mind, and you might benefit from doing some self-teaching during this period.
Mercury has returned to your privacy sector, dear Aquarius, and will continue to transit this background area of your chart until February 7th. During this cycle, your mind is focused on private matters and past issues. This is a good time for research, quiet contemplation, and meditation. You are inclined to keep your ideas, observations, and thoughts to yourself more than usual, and you can be a little indecisive at this time. Even with this relative withdrawal (which is very good for you at this time, by the way), today is excellent for coming together with a friend to accomplish something practical and worthwhile, or for committing to a long-term project.
Mercury has returned to your solar eleventh house, dear Pisces, and will continue to transit this sector until February 7th. You may be catching up with friends or making up for recently missed connections now. Your mind is focused on your fondest dreams and hopes, and you are able to come up with very inventive ideas for pursuing them. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest, and others tend to especially enjoy your conversations. This is an excellent period for networking. It's a time for setting goals, making contact and reaching out to like-minded people. You might be more active with groups, teams, and friends now. Today is very strong for good judgment, speculation, learning, teaching, and taking in the full picture.
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