Wednesday,25th January, Vedic Kundli Forecasts (Rashi Phal) 2017

This is an excellent time for finding the right people or support systems, dear Aries, and for bonding through shared interests and viewpoints. Even so, expectations of others, particularly partners, should be kept in check. Seeing what you want to see in someone may end up disappointing, so why even go there? You are taking great pleasure in your downtime right now, but you are also inclined to want company, and it can be difficult to blend both. You may need to give up a pleasure in order to attend to someone else's needs, but the rewards can be great.

Watch for a tendency to go overboard today, dear Taurus. You may feel torn between social pleasures and work or health pursuits. While the social side of things may seem the natural winner, you are actually taking quite a bit of pleasure from your routines these days, so it's not an easy choice. Alternatively, you may have taken on so much work or tasks that you need to pass up on an opportunity now. You might also misjudge a situation or a person and have a hard time focusing.However, the Moon in your adventure sector helps lift your spirits. Allow your creativity to flow.

There can be a real tendency to procrastinate today, dear Gemini. You might end up focusing on everything but your biggest priority! This may, in fact, be a skillful way of avoiding something, but keep in mind that it won't go away if you put it off. Venus at the top of your chart these days suggests a greater interest and pleasure in your career or the pursuit of your goals, and perhaps the adulation of others. However, today you can find it difficult to stay focused. Watch for going over the top when it comes to pleasing others and extending gestures because you may miss the mark.

In your enthusiasm to enjoy new experiences, dear Cancer, you may end up taking on too much right now. A big part of you is itching to get out and about, while another part is just as into getting comfortable and sticking with familiar people and places. While these two things can seem mutually exclusive, you might be able to compromise in order to enjoy yourself more fully today. There is also a possibility of putting your faith into the wrong things now, perhaps in an effort to find more meaning in your activities.

You are eager about many things these days, dear Leo, and your personal interests can be exciting but sometimes a little overdone. Today may be one of those times -- when having too many balls in the air keeps you from pursuing a more satisfying line of thought or project. Watch also for see-sawing between a light-hearted and serious approach in your interactions which can leave others confused as to what you truly intend. Ease off if things are not clicking now. There is no need to push things. When timing is a little off, leaving things alone to see if they naturally fall back into place is often a good strategy.

Emotionally speaking, you can feel you're advancing and ahead of the game today, dear Virgo. Support from family or a partner can come easily now. Even so, there is a small tendency to misjudge or overdo things today with Venus in your partnership sector in awkward aspect to Jupiter in your resources sector. It's particularly important to avoid excessive people-pleasing now, which can be a tendency if you are sensitive to something being a little off in a relationship - you won't end up feeling any better if you do. You are inclined to comfort yourself with extravagances rather than addressing the real reason for restlessness.

A Venus-Jupiter challenge points to minor misjudgments today, dear Libra, and for you, this is likely to do with your ability to take on more tasks. In fact, you may be thinking the bigger you go, the better, but extravagances now not only fail to truly satisfy, but they may also end up regrettable. As well, even though you're doing a lot for others, you may not be getting the appreciation for your efforts that you crave. There could be some confusion about what you should do next or how to advance, but your best bet now is to keep things simple and to let go of wild expectations.

This is not the best day for sticking to the rules or for focused attention, dear Scorpio. Plans may not pan out as expected, but perhaps the most noticeable area of life with unexpected results is your social life right now. Part of this has to do with your seemingly contradictory needs - part of you wants to take a risk or two on creative or romantic levels, and another part is a bit reclusive and tied too tightly to the past to go out on a limb. Try not to compensate with extravagance or excesses which won't address the actual problem. Take extra time for self-understanding.

With Venus and your ruler, Jupiter, in strained relationship to one another now, dear Sagittarius, discomfort or restlessness might prompt us to overcompensate. Poor choices and planning may result, but taking some extra time for self-understanding can help you over this small bump in the road. With Venus in your home and family sector, you take greater pleasure than usual sticking with familiar people and things. However, Jupiter in your social sector not only encourages you to socialize, but it also wants you to take a chance and make changes. Disconnects may result with family and/or friends, but they may very well reflect a dichotomy within.

On most days, you prefer to make plans and stick with them, dear Capricorn - unpredictability can put you off. Today, with the Moon in your sign, however, you're a little more open to spontaneity, and it's a good thing with a Venus-Jupiter aspect occurring now that tends to breed unexpected results, particularly when it comes to people and pleasures. There is a tendency to go overboard or to excess if we feel uncomfortable or if we're trying to avoid responsibility. Keep things simple and reasonable now, and aim to stay flexible.

The Moon in your privacy sector all day points to a need to tuck yourself away for a spell, dear Aquarius, largely because you need a little extra time away from the hustle and bustle to process and renew yourself emotionally. Today, avoid the trap of looking outside of yourself when assessing your worth. Think about your accomplishments and measure them only in terms of what you'd like to do. A desire for security or familiarity is strong right now, but so is the need to experience and learn new things. While these needs seem too divergent to combine, if you truly seek them, you can find ways to compromise and satisfy both needs.


You may stumble upon an opportunity to advance towards your goals through an alliance made now, dear Pisces, and you can feel that professionally or financially speaking, you're moving to a better place. Today has some strained energy to it, however - very different but equally persistent needs seem to compete with one another. As much as you're valuing your independence right now, you are also very drawn to deeper connections and experiences. Someone may be paying extra attention to you, and while this feels good, it may cause waves in an established relationship.

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