1) ARIES:-
The moon will shift into
Pisces on Sunday, making the next couple days a bit sleepy. Pace yourself, Ram:
This cycle lasts six weeks, so there's no need to rush. The red planet has been
slogging through Pisces and your foggy twelfth house since December 19, making
it hard to focus and stay energized. Well, wipe the sleep out of your eyes,
Aries, because you're about to get lit on fire! Use this mojo reboot to get
your plans back on track. Promote yourself and toot your own horn more.If you
see someone backing away from you, that's your cue to tone it down.
On Sunday the moon visits
Pisces, putting you in the mood for stimulating company. By facing your worst
fears, hang-ups and limiting beliefs courageously, you can actually heal them.
Awareness, while painful at times, will help you live your best life in the
long run. So as tempting as it may be, don’t throw any pity parties just yet.
Instead, engage in catharsis: write, dance, stretch, primal scream…whatever it
takes for release. And hey, no need to isolate yourself.
Mars has been in Pisces
and your career zone since December 19, and work has been extra demanding. With
Mars now in your lively house of networking, it's time to combine work with
play. But the transition won't be instant. With the moon slipping into Pisces
on Sunday, the next couple days could find you wrapping up a major work project
before you go celebrate.Your enthusiasm might not be brimming with common
sense. Get grounded, even by literally placing your feet on the floor and
taking time to breathe.
The moon moves into
Pisces and your adventurous ninth house on Sunday, beckoning you to indulge in
some blue-sky thinking or take a spontaneous day trip. Haven't made any winter
travel plans yet? Explore the options and grab a last-minute deal.When you
break down your goals into manageable steps, anything is possible. Think big,
but stay diligent! Before you put your nose to the grindstone, enjoy a little
"grand finale" adventure. once you get to work, inching your way up
strategically and sticking to a master plan.
5) LEO:-
you may be more antsy
than usual, needing to bust loose of constraints. In both love and work, try to
avoid knee-jerk reactions to being fenced in. Use your trademark bluntness to
clear the air during this outspoken cycle (e.g., “I get the hives when you talk
about marriage on our third date”). Make your free-spiritedness work for you by
taking productive risks. Is it time to launch that business or buy that
round-the-world plane ticket? This is prime time to explore your options.
6) VIRGO:-
Things could get ugly
with Mars in this possessive and jealous zone, so take care not to be vengeful.
Channel that energy into some lusty pursuits if you can. With the red planet in
your steamy eighth house, your libido is on fire. Giving yourself room to
explore your erotic side (even before you invite your love into the boudoir)
can actually be healing. Slow down, Virgo…and hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign. A
permanent bond could get fast-tracked, whether for love or business.
7) LIBRA:-
you may come to the end
of your rope and demand an answer: Are they in or out? Coupled Libras could
argue over small stuff that escalates. Either way, it’s a sign that you need to
release tension. Hashing it out is clarifying—and if someone can’t accept your true
self, you may wind up rethinking the union. Working it through in the bedroom
can be a good strategy with sultry Mars in effect. Solo Libras could get
serious about finding a partner. Luckily Mars imbues you with confidence and
swagger, making you extra attractive to prospects with long-term potential.
The only person you’re
competing with is yourself. Make today’s pigeon pose (or lifting session) a
little better than yesterday’s…and you’re off to a good start. And before you
go all in, enjoy one last hit of decadence. On Sunday the moon slips into
Pisces and your indulgent fifth house for a couple days. Polish off one last
hearty stack of French toast with mimosas before you start that gluten or
alcohol detox. Don’t overextend yourself, as accident-prone Mars could lead to
a workout-related injury, like a strained muscle.
As Mars blazes into your
passionate and playful fifth house until March 9. Use this period to make
headway on a creative project or romantic relationship. Splurge on a bold new
look and make an effort to glam up more, especially since the spotlight may
find you. Express yourself boldly but watch for drama. On Sunday the moon slips
into Pisces and your cozy fourth house, making it hard to resist the call of
your bed and a day puttering around in pajamas.
A renovation project
might go awry: The construction crew shows up early or hanging wallpaper proves
harder than it looked in that HGTV video tutorial. Tensions could mount with
family, especially a female relative. Disperse this stressful energy through
productive physical outlets, such as setting up a home gym or just getting out
of the house more (bonus points if it's for exercise!). During this time,
schedule more massages and Epsom salt baths than usual. Magnesium and anything
else that releases muscle tension can also be helpful.
With your open mind, you
stand to make a lot of allies. Drop any self-serving agendas at the door,
though; people can sniff inauthenticity a mile away. On Sunday the moon moves
into Pisces, bringing one last burst of productivity. Pay some bills, handle an
outstanding task, organize your schedule—and be sure to leave plenty of open
calendar space for enriching hobbies and quality time with friends.
The red planet is now in
your work and money zone, so get down to brass tacks by focusing on your income
and career goals. Come up with creative solutions to budget issues, like
applying for a side gig or raising your rates. Stick to your financial plan, even
if it means letting someone down or not picking up the check. Your self-esteem
comes from the awareness that you really CAN take care of yourself. Flex those
self-sufficient muscles. On Sunday the moon moves into your sign for a couple
days giving you a burst of inspiration to start a new project or assert
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